Redhead SLSC actively encourages those of its members who wish to be involved in Surf Sports competition.
To ensure that all those involved receive the maximum benefit from being involved and that the contribution that the club makes to its competitors is reflected in the contributions that competitors make to the club a Competition Policy detailing the mutual expectations and obligations of the club and competitors has been produced. This covers the requirements for patrol attendance, the levels of financial assistance available and the expectations of competitors. Any questions with regard to this should be directed to either your Sectional Captain or the Competition Coordinator.
Redhead SLSC has a Code Of Conduct for all members involved in competition in any role. This includes competitors, parents, relatives and spectators and officials.
Fundraising is an important part of ensuring that the club has the funds available to assist competitors. The main fundraising effort for all competitors is assisting with and manning the Downstairs Beach Bar on a Friday night. The bar is open from 4pm to 8pm in conjunction with the kiosk for a drink and a meal. Competitors from each section will be rostered on to assist in running the bar.